North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance (NSWA) Watershed Planning Advisory Council (WPAC)

Under the provincial Water for Life Strategy the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance became one of 11 Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils (WPAC) in Alberta in 2005. For more information on the work of WPACs take a look at the WPAC brochure.

NSWA fosters collaboration at the watershed level, create opportunities for stakeholders to come together, share resources and explore innovative solutions to watershed challenges. Our role is reflected in our key strategic goals which state the NSWA:

• Supports Collaborative Watershed Planning
• Provides Leadership in Watershed Management
• Promotes Watershed Knowledge Sharing

The NSWA is a non-profit society that is provided strategic direction and guidance by our 20-member elected Board of Directors which reflect the range of stakeholders within the watershed. The day-to-day operations of the NSWA Society are run by the Executive Director and staff.

Our key supporting watershed planning documents are the State of the Watershed Report completed in 2005 and the Integrated Watershed Management Plan which was released in 2012.

The 2005 State of the Watershed Report is currently being refreshed, with a target of 2023/24. 
