The following fees apply to a majority of access requests and are in accordance with the FOIP Act Fees Schedule

  • There is an initial $25.00 charge for a non-continuing request, or a $50.00 fee for a continuing request. The only exception is a request for your own personal information. There is no fee for requesting your own personal information. The $25.00 fee must be submitted along with the request for information. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or debit card. Processing of a request will not commence until the initial fee has been paid. 
  • Black and white copies on standard letter paper are 25 cents per page.
  • Mailing includes actual cost of postage and shipping container.
  • Other media will incur actual cost of materials.
  • Large requests may require advance payment. Should the cost of time and materials estimated to complete a specific request accrue to $150.00 or more, an estimate invoice will be provided to the applicant. The applicant must provide a deposit of 50 per cent of the estimated final cost of the file search in order for the request to proceed. These may also require a time extension to complete the request.
  • Other fees as adopted by Smoky Lake County may be applicable.