Dog Control
Smoky Lake County established Bylaw No. 1344-19 Regulating and Confinement of Dogs for the purpose to establish rules for responsible dog ownership and dog-related matters in Smoky Lake County.
If you see a stray animal in Smoky Lake County please call:
Trevor Cameron, Animal Control Technician
Cell: 780-656-6059
If you see a stray animal that is injured and in distress, please call the Alberta SPCA Animal Distress Line at 1-800-455-9003
Cat Control
Smoky Lake County does not have a Cat Control Bylaw, however property owners can take steps to humanely deter unwanted cats from their yards and flower beds.
- Some plants and herbs naturally deter cats by giving off smells that cats dislike, including Rue, Lavender, Pennyroyal, Lemongrass, Coleus and Citronella.
- There are numerous types of cat repellent sprays and granules, which can be purchased at many hardware stores.
- Water is an effective repellent. Gently spraying or splashing water on a cat is a useful method for keeping them away.
- Remove any food sources that may be attracting cats into your yard. Ensure garbage / compost bins are securely shut.
- Bury chicken wire in the soil in the flower beds that you especially don't want cats to enter.
- If you suspect a cat is one of your neighbours’ politely approach them and work out a plan together to mitigate the issue.
- While property owners can take steps to deter cats from their yards, bear in mind you cannot, under law, do anything to harm the animal.
If you see a stray animal that is injured and in distress, please call the Alberta SPCA Animal Distress Line at 1-800-455-9003
Stray Livestock
To report stray livestock call Livestock Identification Services at: 780-348-5539